Logo ColegioIB2colores

24 perfil del alumno

They accept and express their firm personal and social identity, and have a solid moral and ethical value system.

They have a democratic lifestyle, fully exercise their rights and fulfill their obligations, and develop attitudes of tolerance, empathy and respect for differences.

They show their creative and critical abilities, using their potential to build a project for their life and their country and consolidate their personal, family and social interests and aspirations.

They are able to solve problems both in everyday situations and in conflicts decisively, independently, and in their best interest.

They are assertive in communicating their ideas, feelings, emotions, preferences and concerns through various forms of interaction, and demonstrate the ability to listen, reach agreements and build consensuses.

They learn to learn and are interested in progress in science and technology, applying their cognitive, socio-emotional and meta-cognitive capacities.

They value work as part of their personal development and show initiative for professional life.

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