Our library works with Decimal Dewey Classification Scheme. This scheme has been selected to help you retrieve accurate information. It was created in 1876 by Melvil Dewey and it is being used since then in 200, 000 libraries in 135 countries.
The following chart shows you how our books are organized:
Encyclopedias, Biographies, books about Computer Science, etc.
Books about Emotions, Mental Processes, Psychology, Ethics, etc.
The Bible, books about God, Catechism, Religious Life, etc.
The Political Constitution of Peru, Books about Education, Bullying, Customs, Economy, Law, Commerce, etc.
Book about Grammar, English, Spanish and French Dictionaries, etc.
Books about Mathematics, Algebra, Arithmetics, Geometry, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Ecology, Zoology, Astronomy, etc.
Books about Medicine, Anatomy, Management, Marketing, etc.
Books about Museums, Painters, Graphic Design, Architecture, Music, Fashion, Sports, Movies, etc.
Book about Universal and Peruavian Literature, etc.
Atlas, Encyclopedias, books about Universal and Peruvian History and Geography.